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Karyn Adamek

While often focused thematically on equine subjects, I am equally  interested in our collective responsibility toward the planet — as the recycling of "found" metal has been central to my process and an essential element in the production of my work. The use of rail road spikes for my large “Iron Horses” reflect the early leap from horse to train in combining a piece of the railroad and what was left behind. 


I have used many different types of mediums in the past, clay, stained glass and have painted murals.  Once I started welding metal back in 2007 I was hooked. Each idea manifests in its own individual style. My smaller sculptures are made with masonry nails. Freehand welded to shape then ground smooth. 

I have found that the process of welding and sculpting a piece to completion is very gratifying. The horse has long been a favorite subject of mine to draw, paint and ride. My art gives me purpose and seeing people response to my work motivates me to continue and improve. My influences are everything I see, feel and experience, but I've always loved horses. I can relate to Deborah Butterfield skillfully searching the perfect part to incorporate in her sculptures. She creates equine sculptures out of found metal from different parts of the world. 

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